

  1. Acclimate Flooring: Store the engineered hardwood planks in the room where they will be installed for at least 48-72 hours to acclimate to the environment, reducing expansion and contraction post-installation.
  2. Check Humidity: Ensure your home's humidity levels are between 35% and 55%, ideal for Canadian climates to prevent warping.
  3. Subfloor Requirements: Ensure the subfloor is clean, dry, level, and sturdy. Use a level to check for evenness; variations greater than 3/16 inch per 10 feet must be corrected.
  4. Tools and Materials: Gather necessary tools such as a saw, trowel, spacers, hammer, tapping block, and appropriate adhesive if gluing.
  5. Plan Layout: Measure the room to plan the layout, ensuring the last row of planks is at least 2 inches wide. Consider the direction of the planks, typically parallel to the longest wall or significant light source.


  1. Acclimate Flooring: Store the engineered hardwood planks in the room where they will be installed for at least 48-72 hours to acclimate to the environment, reducing expansion and contraction post-installation.
  2. Check Humidity: Ensure your home's humidity levels are between 35% and 55%, ideal for Canadian climates to prevent warping.
  3. Subfloor Requirements: Ensure the subfloor is clean, dry, level, and sturdy. Use a level to check for evenness; variations greater than 3/16 inch per 10 feet must be corrected.
  4. Tools and Materials: Gather necessary tools such as a saw, trowel, spacers, hammer, tapping block, and appropriate adhesive if gluing.
  5. Plan Layout: Measure the room to plan the layout, ensuring the last row of planks is at least 2 inches wide. Consider the direction of the planks, typically parallel to the longest wall or significant light source.

Client Name

John Doe

Project Start Date


Project End Date


Project Cost
